October 29 – November 1, the Tioga Student Council is sponsoring Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. We will have the following dress-up days:
Monday - “Team Up Against Drugs” – wear clothes supporting your favorite sports team
Tuesday - “Be a Hero; Don’t Do Drugs” –dress like your hero
Wednesday - “Be of Good Character and Don’t Do Drugs” – dress as your favorite character
Thursday – “Shoot for the Stars and Don’t Do Drugs” – dress like your favorite celebrity
Friday - “Bulldogs Against Drugs” – wear Tioga/green clothes
On dress-up days, students are required to wear “school appropriate” clothing. If the student’s attire is considered inappropriate, the student will be asked to change. Students may not wear clothing that is considered revealing. No weapons, masks, face paint, or fake blood. Administration has final authority on what is considered inappropriate.